Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cary Grant & American Idol

On Monday of this week my mom and I went to see a Cary Grant movie, Notorious. Our cultural centre shows a classic movie on once a month. Notorious was this months pick. It was nice to see it on a big screen, with a room full of other people. We all reacted to the suspenseful scenes, it was nice. I had never seen an old classic on anything other than my tv, so I really enjoyed it. Of course if you have read my blog at all you know that Cary Grant is my all time favourite actor. When I mentioned at work that I was going to see his movie one of the girls I was telling had no idea who Cary Grant is. That really made me feel old.

Warning: Spoiler Alert - if you haven't watched American Idol yet don't read any farther

We watched The American Idol Results show last night, all I can say about it is wow. First off I would like to say that I have enjoyed this season with Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler. At first I thought Jennifer would be to much of a diva for this type of thing, I am glad to say I was so wrong. She is a wonderful judge I have come to like her and Steven Tyler (I am not an Aerosmith fan) adds some crazy moments to it, they are both a great addition to this season. Ok to the result show, first of all the guests Stevie Wonder, what would it be like to have him sing happy birthday to you like he did to Steven Tyler, then Sugarland I don't have any of their music but I do like some of their songs to sing along with (not a big fan of what she wore though) And the Jennifer Hudson who herself was an idol contestant who was eliminated. But the biggest surprise was that Casey was voted off. I am not a big fan of the type of music he sings but he is very talented, I was glad the judges used their one and only save. It was a great show.                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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